We last met the ccc in the context of preserving cofinalities in forcing extensions; but the exercise that I gave the proof for was specifically about forcing. This week, I
ran across a nice little exercise which doesn't explicitly mention forcing at all -- it's pure combinatorics -- but, at least for me, thinking about it using the forcing idea was the key to solving the problem.
Exercise 1: Let \( \mathbb{P} \) be a ccc poset, and let \( X = \{ x_i \colon i < \omega_1 \} \subseteq \mathbb{P} \) be a subset. Show that there exists an uncountable subset of \( X \) whose every pair are compatible.
At first glance, this looks completely obvious -- things are either compatible or incompatible, and you can't have more than countably many pairwise incompatible things. The problem, though, is that the compatibility relation need not be transitive -- just because you have an uncountable subset of \(X\) which is not an antichain does
not mean that it satisfies the conclusion of the exercise.
What made this problem interesting to me was that I had to
discard some of the heuristics that usually serve me well. In particular, a dependable heuristic when dealing with posets is duality: if something is true for all posets, then you should be able to turn your poset upside-down and it should still be true. However, the compatibility relation is not stable under duality! Most forcing posets have a single weakest condition; if you dualize, you get that every two conditions are compatible, which is clearly useless.